Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Reflection is cool.
So now that the game has a working projectile system I can start adding bits and pieces of the AI, as I am the only coder however, progress is going to seem chaotic until near the end of the line as I push out whatever bit of code I feel inspired for that day. Don't worry however - the final product should be seven kinds of cool :)
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
A pseudo-Christmas offering!
So here we have a scene which is basically a good representation of what the games interface will look like. Also, keeping with the season, I repainted the trees with a chrismas motif - merely for testing, but it amuses me :) . There is still a long way to go - even coding wise, from here however. I have Z-Fighting issue with the shadows and the terrain I need to sort out, the objects still need to change orientation to match the slope of the landscape, the AI needs to be implements... it is however getting there :). Anyway - this is the current state of the game, so merry christmas to any readers I may have and I hope to have some more details on line for you soon :)
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Terrain and Physics!
Now to finish working on the games plot - more details on that next week I hope :).
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Mount Boob
So I've got the graphics engine up and running. There are a few issues I need to iron out before it's completely ready, but for the moment it does what I need it to do. I've uploaded a simple view of a small mountain that I setup for your amusement - it's been affectionately named "Mount Boob". So, without further Ado, I present Mount Boob and Mount Boob at Night.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Graphics Engine Testing...
With the number of lights cut down to a reasonable level, everything behaves smoothly on the test cases, including my terrain system. Over the next few days I'll be testing the Water system, then I'll toss some screenshots of the tests (mostly cubes - sorry guys I'm not the artist, just the programmer) and get to work on that physics engine!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Still Working...
Once the graphics engine is completed and tested, I'll be working on the Physics engine - nothing fancy will be here, just a simple 3D rigid body physics simulation. More on that when the time comes :). Anyway, back to work for me!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
I'm not ready to say exactly what the game is just yet, but I do have another coder and an artist on board - so I'm hoping with more assistance I can put together a better overall product. We shall see.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Rejected...Iteration #1 Complete.
It's win win really, I get to drink beer either way :) Luckily I am not creativity impaired, regardless of my lack of artistic abilities - and having learned a lot more about what the criteria are and what Microsoft is looking for, my solution is stand up, brush myself off, and reuse what can be reused, scap the rest and start again. Oh - and yes, yes I do have more ideas. Lots :)
This one has to be better than the last of course - more on it when it's ripe. Stay tunned, I may have lost the battle, but I'd haven't lost the war yet :)
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Brief Update...
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Artists, and Coders, and Bears - OH MY!
In other news, I am still waiting on feedback regarding the current prototype from Microsoft. I imagine there is still a long way before the game is actually approved, but anything that isn't rejection at this point is promising. As always wish me luck :).
Friday, November 2, 2007
Prototype Officially Submitted.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Prototype Complete...really.
Alright, so I've finished the last few outstanding issues that I had listed in my last post on prototypes progress. The Prototype can now be considered finished from a coding stand point, so all that remains is to work with Microsoft and see if I can't get this past into the next level and to whip my artist a bit in order to get the graphics looking a bit better. (i.e. not the ones I drew :) ).
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Play Testing Again...
You must have:
A PC. (The prototype was built for PC to simplify my life).
Shader 3.0 Complient Graphics card.
An XBox 360 Controller.
Preferably a copy of MS GSE, or the XNA redist.
An updated version of DirectX.
OR - failing a desire to obtain, or not actually having the ability to obtain the above, access to my laptop and I. I strongly suspect most of my testers will be in category two.
If you are interested in helping me test the prototype - either post in my Blog, or e-mail me (those who know me should e-mail me).
Friday, October 19, 2007
Nearly Done...For Realz this time!
So - here is the list:
(1) Fix the bugs in the games help system.
(2) Add the difficulty settings and connect them to the Games AI.
(3) Setup the Opening "CutScene" that tells the story of the game.
(4) ????
(5) Profit !!!
After that, I'll drag it around to my happy go lucky play testers and see what M$'s feedback is.
As always, wish me luck.
Still Chugging along...
I've implemented the idea I was talking about in my last post - there are few coding errors I need to work out ( I am calculating a directional change incorrectly ) however when you take the error into account the AI pretty works exactly as I imagined it. There are few parameters that will need to be tuned - new AI, new balance between difficulty and fun factor after all, but once those are tuned up and ready to go, the prototype's AI will be ready.
With that done, I'll be adding a few more menu features to control some of the other late additions to the games arsenal, finish polishing up the sound (yay for Audacity) and then - maybe, just maybe - the prototype will be finished. Unless of course I decide to add something else, but at some point that has to end right? I've got to show the game off at some point.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Bigger and Badder AI :)
The only creatures this won't work for are the ones that will be working alone - however those ones are special, not fully fleshed out yet, and something you'll have to wait for the full game to see :).
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Short update..
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
New Models and "Smarter" AI.
Alright - so two new updates my every so increasingly awesome prototype. First - new models, I wanted to cut down on the triangle count and those aliens were just taking up way more triangles then they justified. Second - although you can't see it, I've finished the update on the aliens AI. It's not exactly what I described trying yesterday, rather a hodge podge of a steering algorithm and the skewed probability heuristic I mentioned. It meets all the requirements and gets results I am happy with for the Aliens behavior. Plus, as an added bonus - I now have a simple way of adjusting the games difficulty level by simply adjusting the parameters that control the AI :).
I'm not exactly sure what else I can add to the prototype, the code base doesn't really extend nicely to all too many more of the full games features (since it was going to have to be redesigned for the XBox anyway) so it's hard to say what to add next. I will however keep my possible non-existent readers posted as I clean up the rough edges for the Concept Submission stage.
Monday, October 8, 2007
On Zombies Swarms...
So how am I going to solve this latest problem? My best candidate for a solution is a kind of random walk - except in this random walk the probability of moving in a given direction is supplied by heuristic. This heuristic should be such that if we take the HIGHEST probability and set it to one and all other to zero that our algorithm will provide the same path as the A* algorithm. Luckily - my game map has no obstructions (yet) - so creating such a Heuristic is easy - simply divide up the probabilty amongst the different directions. As an added touch (inspired by a response I got from XNA's forums) - when the Zombie reaches some fuzzy threshold switch from the random walk heuristic to the A* itself.
I'll be posting on how good the results of this approach are once I get them implemented into the game.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
More Improvements...
Alright - although this looks like a major change, it really isn't. All I've done here is merged Microsofts billboard pipeline (changed very slightly to suit my needs ) with a new terrain model to add grass to the game. It doesn't look half bad, but I'd like to come up with ways of improving how it looks. That blue sparkly thing in the middle is the star trek like shield static I was talking about last post. I think it looks pretty good, although it's possible that the static could use a little toning down. Now that I have an artist one board, I'd like to find a way to replace those "MSN" dudes with something more along the lines of the Robo-Zombies they are supposed to be.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
I'm really Bad at this Lockdown concept :)
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Major Change to Prototype...
NDA With Microsoft..
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Another Slow Game Day...
Progress on the Publishing front is also slow - I've heard back from Microsoft - they're putting together an NDA for me while we wait for the Account Manager to return with some feedback. If they are anywhere near as busy as I think they are, then I may not hear back from them for a few days.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Prototype Playtesters
Partcle Beams for the Win!
The last special effect needed to complete the set of features I wanted to include in my prototype has now been integrated - the all mighty particle beam! Revel in it's pen-ultimate coolness... ok you can stop now.
Now this becomes a waiting game - hopefully I'll get some feed back from Microsoft soon, they e-mailed me saying that would get back as soon as possible. Wish me luck.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Great Balls of Fire!
(Of course - I don't intend to be the final artist, after all, something tells me sphere went out of style as the primary 3D Model in games years ago :) ).
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Friday, September 28, 2007
Highscores !
Now we have a brand spanking new Highscore system - it should be able to store and lookup the games local highscores on both Platforms :) Notice how I am so good that all the highscores are all me :) (Of course we certainly should not consider the fact that I am currently the ONLY one who can actually play the game ;) ) . I don't have much else to report today however - I've started to add a new component for handling the games power-ups. I am not going to say much more about those at the moment, however if things go as planned - they should be rockin' cool.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Prototype Video 1
Ok - so I may have to take this video off my blog eventually - but I wanted to show people a sample of what the game play looks like at the moment. My motion capture software is kinda primitive, so there is no sound and since it's Shareware there is an annoying nag line at the top of the screen :P . What I am showing here is the bare bones of the game - none of the cooler stuff has been added in yet (can you say Power Ups are Cool and different aliens would be neat? Good, so can I :) ). Anyway - assuming that anyone actually read this (cause you know I only pimp it out daily ) any feed back I can get at this early stage will be appreciated.
The rest of the day will spent hooking in the games high score system so I can finally track my own high scores and maybe a little work on the Design Document.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
An Explosive Experience
I also removed the "special" commands from the Probes - I am considering going in a new direction with this, but I haven't decided exactly how it should work. Maybe I'll say more on this in my next exciting update :)
All my other changes are just quick bug fixes and small improvement to the Zombie attack algorithm (well it's still dead simple and barely deserves the name Algorithm, but it works) - which you can't really see from the image.
Now onwards to decide what to implement in the Prototype next!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
A Slow Day...
Tomorrow we shall experience explosions and smarter Robots - stay tuned!
Monday, September 24, 2007
Alright - so I now have all the required functionality to actually play the game! Now it's time to start adding special effect, the individual special powers - you know FLAVOUR! In todays game image we see me near death at the end of Wave #3 of the robots unstoppable onslaught! That little thing in the centre is the miner probe - the ultimate in technology and the very thing which I failed to protect! Of course - I DO have the highest score in the game ever - so that should count for something!
Next on the list to be implemented are the Probes special powers and to make it so the Probes can ... gasp... die! Also - soon to come should be feed back by Microsoft - here's hoping I don't get a standard rejection form letter - although with the way my luck has been ... bah! Stay tuned as the March of gamey awesomeness takes on SPARTAN levels!
Sunday, September 23, 2007
March of Progress - the Interface Advances!
Probe News
So - where am I in this process, fairly early - I'm at stage "0.5". To get some perspective on how far away I really am from realizing my goal ( one published XBox Live Arcade Game ) - here's the process (taken from Microsoft's Website - see the link in my sidebar)
Step #1 – Submit Concept
Work with the Arcade Portfolio Planning team ( or your established account manager to determine whether your title is a good fit, and to iron out the business details. This usually includes a first glance brief regarding the game and your company. If the initial concept is approved you will fill out an official Concept Submission Form, which will go through another approval process. Before any game ideas are presented, you must sign a standard, mutual NDA. This protects both yourself and Microsoft. Note: presenting a playable prototype will go a long way in getting your title approved to the next step.
Step #2 – Kickoff
If your title is approved, you will be connected to the Arcade production team to discuss requirements and best practices that are unique to Arcade titles. You will also be lined up with Arcade-specific support materials.
Step #3 – Get Cranking!
Develop an awesome Arcade title that every Xbox 360 owner will need to have! You will work with the Arcade team along the way, to check the progress of your title at various milestones.
Step #4 – Submit to Cert
Arcade titles are certified along with all other Xbox 360 titles.
Step #5 – Release to Market
The title is made available in Marketplace and downloads begin.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
The Probe Stage #1
So here we have a zoomed out image of the "The Probe" - it's a bit hard to see, but that's ok - my art sucks right now anyway.
So - what the hades is all this random junk on the screen? Well, basically this is just a prototype, but the game is about a poor lost little group of probes charged with the task of obtaining energy for the great human hegemony.
Unfortunately, having found the penultimate source of energy they looked for, our hapless heroes were quickly assaulted by a troop of mindless zombie alien robots...ok so they need a better description but still, that's what they are. You, the indomitable player are charged with the task of reprogramming the robots to save the day. Only there is small catch (always is) - you can't just send any program, the quantum communicator can only send one of eight programs at any given time - and to make things worse - these program are always changing! Now, armed with only your wits, you must help these probes defend the energy mines from the rampaging aliens and help save the human race from it's energy crises!
(1) Writing about the experience forces me to think about it - and without thinking about it I obviously can't learn from it.
(2) I wanted a quick place to show people the progress on my game - and since I'm not big on building personal websites, a blog was easier.
(3) I want to be able to look back on this recent attempt - success or failure - and remember what kind of wacky, unreasonable, unethical, inane things I came up with before the age of 30 :)
(4) Occasionally I need a place to rant off topic, sure no one will ever read this other than a few friends and myself, but I enjoy the ranting :)