Saturday, October 20, 2007

Play Testing Again...

Ok, so tommorow, on my 24 hours of freedom from work I intend to repair all the outstanding bugs in the Prototype. Now I really do need play testers to find the rest. So here are the requirements:

You must have:

A PC. (The prototype was built for PC to simplify my life).
Shader 3.0 Complient Graphics card.
An XBox 360 Controller.
Preferably a copy of MS GSE, or the XNA redist.
An updated version of DirectX.

OR - failing a desire to obtain, or not actually having the ability to obtain the above, access to my laptop and I. I strongly suspect most of my testers will be in category two.

If you are interested in helping me test the prototype - either post in my Blog, or e-mail me (those who know me should e-mail me).



Unknown said...

and could it be a crappy old 6 button + direction pad control or does it have to be xbox

Gene said...

Unfortunately as far I can tell the XNA GSE system I am using to develop the prototype only uses the XBox360 controller, so yes it will have to be an XBox one. If you can't get one then you'd have to test it sometime when we can get together and I am sobre...good luck :)

Unknown said...

shit, trying to find a time when either one of us is sober is hard enough... at the same time, well thats like the odds of amino acids suddenly coming together!

I'm sure the ramifications could be felt across the multiverse!