Thursday, September 27, 2007

Prototype Video 1

Ok - so I may have to take this video off my blog eventually - but I wanted to show people a sample of what the game play looks like at the moment. My motion capture software is kinda primitive, so there is no sound and since it's Shareware there is an annoying nag line at the top of the screen :P . What I am showing here is the bare bones of the game - none of the cooler stuff has been added in yet (can you say Power Ups are Cool and different aliens would be neat? Good, so can I :) ). Anyway - assuming that anyone actually read this (cause you know I only pimp it out daily ) any feed back I can get at this early stage will be appreciated.

The rest of the day will spent hooking in the games high score system so I can finally track my own high scores and maybe a little work on the Design Document.

1 comment:

Gene said...

Just a heads up - I know the game *looks* choppy in the video, but that's the crappy frame rate and overhead of my video capture software. In actuality the game runs pretty smooth.