Thursday, October 4, 2007

NDA With Microsoft..

So, my contact at Microsoft has mailed out the NDA for the game today. Based on what's in the NDA I may have to remove some of the stuff that's been put on this blog, so if you are looking for posts that used be there and are now gone in the future this is likely why. Once I have the NDA I'll be filling out the Concept Submission information. To help me with this (and the completion of the game) I've conned (asked really nicely :) ) the help out of an Artist. Once I get past concept submission (if?) - then I'll have to "re-engineer" the games code for the move from Prototype to an actual game of respectable quality. That's the hard part of course - and just making sure I've designed the software correctly could take some time - but like everything else, it's hard work because it's cool.

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