Wednesday, October 3, 2007


So it's taken a lot of will power, but I have convinced myself not to make any more changes to the game until people have actually play tested the demo/prototype for me. I've killed all the bugs I know of, balanced the game a bit and made sure all the cool specials that I want in the demo are working correctly. Everything is good in the house of light. Now I need to get my artist on board, and brush on HLSL - which I'll need for the full game. For informational purposes, the prototype demonstrates what would be considered the games "1st level". One alien, standard powers ups, very little AI, and lots of stuff to kill :) . I am not going to say anything more regarding my plans for the other levels, because I pretty much can't right now - but suffice to say that if this works out it's gonna be pretty damned cool!

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