Friday, October 19, 2007

Nearly Done...For Realz this time!

Ok - so the AI in the game is complete, and because of it I've made a few minor changes to the game play in order to make everything all the more interesting :). Now there are only a few more components I'd like to have in the Prototype before I really can't add anything else to it except better art without a redesign of the game. (Multi-player just isn't feasible the way the code is currently arranged - I have ideas for fixing this - but they will not be in the Prototype).

So - here is the list:

(1) Fix the bugs in the games help system.

(2) Add the difficulty settings and connect them to the Games AI.

(3) Setup the Opening "CutScene" that tells the story of the game.

(4) ????

(5) Profit !!!

After that, I'll drag it around to my happy go lucky play testers and see what M$'s feedback is.

As always, wish me luck.

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