Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Reflection is cool.

So another week or so has gone by, and despite the perils of playing too much World Of Warcraft, and being sick for about a week or so, I still managed to get something done. It isn't much however - this week is almost a complete write off :P. I have however managed to implement the Projectile system - marking the first time I made use of reflection in game programming. Gotta say it makes life easier - esp. for the level scripting and garbage collection management.

So now that the game has a working projectile system I can start adding bits and pieces of the AI, as I am the only coder however, progress is going to seem chaotic until near the end of the line as I push out whatever bit of code I feel inspired for that day. Don't worry however - the final product should be seven kinds of cool :)

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