Wednesday, September 26, 2007

An Explosive Experience

Ok, so technically a cheated a bit on the explosions - I borrowed some code from Microsoft's particle sample (which I can do based on their Permissive License) and modified it to fit into my games framework, still - it's pretty cool looking. I considered writing my own particle system, but this seemed rather pointless when a "plug and play" one was availlable.

I also removed the "special" commands from the Probes - I am considering going in a new direction with this, but I haven't decided exactly how it should work. Maybe I'll say more on this in my next exciting update :)

All my other changes are just quick bug fixes and small improvement to the Zombie attack algorithm (well it's still dead simple and barely deserves the name Algorithm, but it works) - which you can't really see from the image.

Now onwards to decide what to implement in the Prototype next!

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