Thursday, October 11, 2007


So after a few...number theoretical delays involving some prime numbers, a power of two, and the candle stick after midnight - I have now received my NDA with Microsoft. This does not mean that I have the contract, but does mean I need to be more careful about what I put on this site. As such I *may* have to remove some aspects, I may not - I haven't finished reading the NDA yet. When I do, I'll make any changes I need to .


Zygote said...

Lots of us MS MVP's hang out in #xna on Efnet (IRC) if you would like to stop by and chat.

Ziggyware XNA News and Tutorials

Marcus said...

See? People do read your blog. :P

Gene said...

Yep - it's pretty cool :)

Maybe I will stop by and chat - only not today, stupid Job making me work nights... :P.

Unknown said...
