Friday, February 15, 2008

The Swarm!

Ha! The Swarm of AI is approaching readiness :) Ok - so it's hard to show emergent behavior in a picture, but that is kinda what your currently looking at. It's not quite done yet, as not all of the rules have been implemented (nor for that matter has the learning method which allows each individual agent to change the Priority of it's rules) but it is still coming along. Also, you can see the model for the main character, the PAU (the name may change in the future, but I'm keeping PAU as a working title for now), sans color map (since it's not done yet). I think the model is pretty reasonable and looks cool even with a jupiter color map :).

Anyway, the next stage is to test each of the remaining rules, then I'll combine them with a special type of map called a Linear Integrator (LI). The advantage of the LI is that I can train it using Reinforcement Learning allowing for a wide range of experience based behaviors all coming from one personality template. The second cool thing is that I can expose the parameters of the LI to the user is friendly way (you won't need to do this to win the game, but it is cool) allowing the players to customize the AI behaviours of their minions. Personality I think it's neat, but we will see what others think once it's all put together.

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