Friday, November 16, 2007

Rejected...Iteration #1 Complete.

Ok, so it looks like what I thought would be a really cool interface for a game really didn't work out quite the way I had hoped. I really don't think their is any improving it, but hey what can you do. So I am left with two choices, toss all my work into the trash bin and pout in my beer, or take everything I've learned, try again, and drink beer anyway.

It's win win really, I get to drink beer either way :) Luckily I am not creativity impaired, regardless of my lack of artistic abilities - and having learned a lot more about what the criteria are and what Microsoft is looking for, my solution is stand up, brush myself off, and reuse what can be reused, scap the rest and start again. Oh - and yes, yes I do have more ideas. Lots :)

This one has to be better than the last of course - more on it when it's ripe. Stay tunned, I may have lost the battle, but I'd haven't lost the war yet :)


Unknown said...

Thats the spirit, don't let MS get you down, they've failed everything they've tried, xcept the things they stole

Marcus said...

I wouldn't mind getting in on some of what you're doing, if you think I can help.

Just drop me a line if you want the help.